Aviation Tax

Operators without a corporate office in germany must appoint an air travel tax representative for flights from german airports. GAS German Aviation Service GmbH, certified in Cologne, can handle your monthly aviation declarations and payments.

Operators without a legal corporate office in Germany, which would like to conduct flights from a German airport, are required to appoint an air travel tax representative. Such a representative has to be registered and approved by the respective main customs office. GAS German Aviation Service GmbH is registered at and certified by the main customs office in Cologne, Germany. We can file a monthly aviation travel tax declaration on your behalf, which will consider all possible exemptions. The arrangement of all due payments is included in our service.

Only commercial operators departing from a German airport with passengers on board are obliged to pay German Air Travel Taxes. Private (non-commercial) operators are exempt. An Aviation Tax declaration must be filed every month even if no passengers have been transported in the respective month. Legal ground is the German air travel tax act (Luftverkehrsteuergesetz – LuftVStG).


Aviation Tax Request

Aviation Tax Requests

Yasmina Daniel
[email protected]

GAS - Aviation Tax Request